Case Study
Ingredient: C*Isomaltidex Isomalt Fine Powder
Application: “No Added Sugar” Chocolate
Help a well-established chocolate brand maintain sweetness in their line of “No Sugar Added” chocolate bars.
One of our Account Managers had been communicating with this customer for about four years, consistently checking in to see if we could provide solutions for any formulation or supply challenges they were facing.
We learned that the customer had been purchasing Isomalt (Fine Powder) f rom another supplier for three years, and this ingredient was being used in their “No Sugar Added” chocolate bars. Isomalt is a polyol derived f rom the hydrogenation of sugars – either from sugar cane or beet. Considered an ideal sugar-free and low-calorie alternative, Isomalt is similar in sweetness to sugar but without the caloric or physical risks that some individuals may experience with cane sugar, such as blood sugar spikes and tooth sensitivity or decay.
Because of the relationship our Account Manager built over years of consistent communication and in-person meetings, the customer decided to sample our C*Isomaltidex Isomalt Fine Powder (manufactured by our Supplier Partner, Cargill) to ensure seamless integration into their current formulation.
After test trials, the company found that the Isomalt performed exactly as they needed in their line of “No Sugar Added” chocolate bars. They officially secured Gillco as their Isomalt distributor due to the stellar service they received from our Technical, Sales and Operation teams.