Case Study
Ingredient: Pectin
Application: Gummies
Help a gummy manufacturer find a slow-set pectin to enhance gelling, thickening and stabilizing in their gummy application.
After meeting in person, our Account Manager learned that this manufacturer was currently using a slow-set pectin from another distributor, but was having issues with supply since the product was being imported. They were looking for a match that had similar buffering agents – sodium potassium tartrate, sodium tripolyphosphate and maltodextrin.
After reviewing specs of our slow-set, buffered offerings, our Account Manager found a direct match – IFF’s GRINDSTED® Pectin CF-130. Benefits of this extra slow-set, high-ester pectin include uniform gel strength, slight elastic texture, low setting temperature and quick demolding.
We recommended dissolving the pectin in water before addition to the final fruit system at a usage rate between 1.5-3%.
After test trials, the customer found that the pectin performed exactly as they were hoping at a 2% usage rate. They were pleased to learn that the supply- chain for the GRINDSTED® Pectin CF-130 was very secure and could ship from a warehouse in close proximity to their facility.
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