The meat snacks category (beef jerky, meat sticks, biltong, etc) is booming! Global meat snacks’ new product development growth is higher than the snacks category with growth being driven by demand for on-the-go protein rich snacks, exotic ingredients, novel flavors, and convenient portioned packaging*.
We’re excited about our new meat snack ingredient solutions that can help with:
• Natural curing
• Flavor
• Color stability
• Mold control
• Yield
• Shelf life
• Safety
…in a variety of meat snack applications:
• Semi dry sausages
• Sticks and bites
• Cured meat snacks
• Fermented sausages
• Refrigerated products
Corbion’s Verdad® offerings for the meat snacks category are the most innovative on the market, and we’re thrilled to be able to supply these for our customers.
Ingredient Solutions
• Verdad® Powder N20
• Verdad® Powder N30
• Verdad® Opti Powder XM10
• Verdad® Avanta® CS30
• Natural: Verdad® translates to truth. Literally. And our products are just that – truly clean label and innovative products formulated just for meat snacks.
• Easy to Implement: We know that changing formulas can be difficult, but it doesn’t have to be. It’s easy to add or replace existing products, ensuring confidence from production to pantry.
• Yield Enhancer: It is clear that meat snacks manufacturers want better yield – our Verdad® N20 can help increase finished product yield by up to 3%. Better yield = less waste and more meats snacks to go around.
• Increased Shelf Life & Improved Safety: Verdad® XM10 & Verdad® N30 offer a shelf life of up to 3 weeks, versus the average meat snack shelf life of 1 week, while enhancing texture and moisture. With consumers taking less trips to the store, Verdad® opens the door for larger pack sizes, protecting the meat snack qualities consumers demand and in addition to keeping the snacks free from mold, yeast and bacteria.
• Low Flavor Impact: Our offerings have less of an impact on flavor while other competitive products impact flavor.
Need help creating your meat snacks application? Reach out to our team today to find your ingredient solutions.
*Source: Meat Snacks, Corbion