March 25, 2020
The health and safety of our employees, suppliers, and customers has always been and will remain our top priority. We will continue to monitor the on-going impact of the novel coronavirus COVID-19 and will provide updates of any changes as necessary. Gillco understands that this an evolving situation and we are proactively reviewing our business continuity plan to keep our business fully operational and to mitigate any supply disruptions.
We would like to update you with the following precautions and actions our company is taking in regards of the coronavirus.
Gillco ingredients understands the importance of the food industry during this difficult time. As a distributor of food ingredients to food manufacturing plants, we know our business is considered an “essential” business and will keep operating to supply the current and increased demand. At this point, the Coronavirus has not affected our operations. Our business is still operating and our employees still conducting their daily work activities. All business operations such as order processing, shipping arrangements, receiving processing, document requests, customer service, and sample requests will still continue to operate during this time.
Most of our employees are working remotely at home to minimize person to person contact and only a few employees will be in the office to do essential tasks. We have been working very closely with our suppliers, warehouse partners, and freight brokers on monitoring and responding to any significant supply chain impacts. The Gillco team will continue to actively respond accordingly to the rapidly changing conditions. Should any major changes occur, we will provide further information at that time.
We have suspended business travel and are conducting meetings by phone or video wherever possible.
Employees who have had family members who have traveled to any high-risk coronavirus area and/or who have been in proximity to anyone suspected of having or confirmed with the virus are to self-isolate at home for the following weeks.
Safety Precautions
We have advised our employees to protect against the outbreak according to the CDC website by doing the following:
• Wash your hands frequently with Soap and water. If soap is not available, use alcohol based (≥ 62%) hand sanitizer. Best practice is washing for at least 20 seconds
• Cover your coughs and sneezes with a tissue or the inside of your elbow
• Avoid touching your face with unwashed hands.
• Frequently clean items that are regularly touched, such as phones, desk, computer mouse, and keyboard, hand tools, and power tools with cleaning spray or wipes.
• Self-Quarantine if you are sick
If one of our employees is in contact with the COVID-19 virus, communication is important and we have informed our employees to self-quarantine if they are sick and to follow the directions of the CDC https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/if-you-are-sick/steps-when-sick.html. In the meantime, Gillco will review and delegate any workload to keep our business fully operational.
As changes further develop, we will continue to monitor the situation and take recommendations for the local and federal government and health authorities. Thank you for your flexibility and understanding as we navigate this difficult time with our communities. If you have specific questions or concerns, please contact us.