Case Study
Ingredient: Antimicrobial
Application: Deli Salad Sandwich
Help a large-scale co-packer find a clean label solution to help increase shelf-life on their egg tuna deli salad to 14 days.
After collecting key information from the customer (product description, process, packaging, storage conditions, goal shelf life, pH of formulation, and pH of finished product + water activity), our Account Manager consulted with our Food Scientist to find a solution within our antimicrobial portfolio.
They recommended Verdad Ovvio 410, which has been specifically designed for natural preservation in low pH chilled foods like deli-style salads, dips, and spreads. Produced through the fermentation of cane sugar combined with specialty vinegar, it is a clean-label alternative to artificial additives like sorbates and benzoates.
After testing the Verdad Ovvio 410 at a 2% usage rate, the customer was pleased to achieve the 14-day shelf-life and desired taste while also maintaining a clean label (vinegar and natural flavor vs. artificial additives).
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